As a busy high school senior, sleep is extremely important for me to function during the day. While it’s often difficult to have a consistent sleep schedule during school weeks, especially when I have to wake up for early morning AP Calculus review sessions, I find that the holidays are a crucial time to help me recover. It’s medically recommended that teenagers should get at least 8-10 hours of sleep each night, which is an unrealistic amount. Right after Thanksgiving break, we kicked off our annual Christmas fundraiser: GOFA. It stands for Give One For All, and it’s a magical time when students try to raise boatloads of money for local charities, such as the Dorothy Day House and Women’s Shelter. As a senior, I found it important to participate in every single activity with my friends as a last hurrah. However, it’s a known fact that the school load during this time is also extremely heavy, as teachers are trying to squeeze in every last test before Winter Break. Therefore, my sleep schedule was not healthy and I was constantly fatigued in school.
This past winter break has been extremely refreshing and rejuvenating, as I have finally finished up my college applications, giving me time to relax and enjoy time with my family. I have time to go to the gym and be active along with catching up with bad reality TV shows (Dance Moms). My sleep schedule has gone back to normal and I have gotten back to painting, which is something I missed out on due to my hectic schedule. It’s vital that everyone takes an opportunity like Winter Break to practice self-care and spend time with family and friends because this time only comes around once a year. I turned off all my alarms and made sure that I slept for at least 10 hours each night, which helped me be more productive throughout the day. While I know that this break has been wonderful, it has gone by quickly and it’s time to refocus and get ready for school. I’m excited to see my friends again and enjoy my last semester to the fullest; hopefully sleeping more!